Thursday, Jan 5th 2023
Diversify Outdoors Blog
As of 2023, Diversify Outdoors is cutting back our services.
Luz Media
For Latinas in the outdoors, it’s often rare to find a face that looks like theirs or a voice that sounds familiar. Because of the lack of diversity in the outdoors,...
How Indigenous language can cultivate a more reciprocal relationship between skier and environment.
National Wildlife Federation
With a deep passion for the natural world, Black researchers, writers and environmental justice activists are changing the face of conservation
BBC News
Chris Nowell lost most of his sight in a rocket attack in Afghanistan and has said photography is his escapism. He was introduced to photography through Blind Veterans...
Condé Nast
“Telling the story is one way of working towards understanding and reconciliation,” says guide Cody Gangell.
Thursday, Jan 5th 2023
Diversify Outdoors Blog
As of 2023, Diversify Outdoors is cutting back our services.